Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The Birth of A BlogAboutNothinG

So, this is my first blog post EVER! And I so wanted it to be extraordinary special, witty and smart. But the truth is, I am not extraordinary in any way. Well OK, if you ask my mom and dad, or perhaps my siblings and my hunkachunk of a husband, they might object to that...

But the real, and I mean REAL truth is...I am just an ordinary special, witty and smart person. Having said that, i feel you deserve an explanation...

I am not particularly gifted (although I gladly perform my one-man a Capella in the hallways where I live, where the acoustics are fantastic and I sound fabulous!!) but not not a total nut either. I don't look like a bag of smashed crabs (have you ever seen one? I's horrendous) but without makeup I sure do look like a surprised codfish...I never rinse my vegetables and fruits before eating them, and probably never will either. I drink too much coffee and often find my self suffering from self-induced caffeine anxiety. 

I don't particularly like to talk on the phone and usually I don't pick up because I feel it's a bad time to talk. However, after having hung up on the poor bastard trying to get hold of me, I usually pick up the phone and return the call (as if a two minute delay magically makes it a super time to chat). I am kind though, but not kind in a Mahatma Gandhi-kind of way. I do offer old and pregnant people my seat on the bus (just as the "how to behave on the bus"-sign asks you too), but on the other hand, I always gorge when free food samples are offered at the super market, I sometimes use my female charm (i.e. winking my codfish eyelashes) to get what I want and I frequently pretend to be an altruistic person, although I'm really not.

That being said. This is a blog about nothing, and everything at once. I'm gonna let you in on my good and bad times, my ideas, hopes, thoughts and dreams, my success and failures. My goal is not to be famous, nor to be rich. What i want to do is make you laugh, I want to make you think and wonder, I want to inspire you to dream, and most important, I want you to feel just as (ordinary) special as i do :)

So, to start of, here's one of my favorite comic strips. For more of these lovely fools, visit

See you when I see you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. <3 Made me smile! :D

    /lillebror M

  3. Love it! Love U sis! You don't ever look like a codfish, :) you're beautiful inside out! C U soon! <3

  4. Horray! My first comments! LOVE IT!!
